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Farewell to 2022!

Happy New Year!! Here's Hoping for a Better 2023

After a long holiday break, I'm back! I hope everyone here was able to enjoy your holidays with loved ones, and I wish you much joy in the coming new year. Because let's be honest... 2022 kind of sucked.

Speaking as a journalist, I covered a lot of terrible news last year. There was a lot more tragedy around the world I didn't cover. But I personally experienced a lot of bad news too. It was a year of heartbreaking loss for me, financial hardship and terrible home sickness. But I can’t ignore all the good things that came from this year, either.

Still Plenty to be Thankful For

First and foremost, there's you. After all, I created this website, and got my book off the ground - attending book signings, festivals and making some terrific fans along the way. I got to do a lot of traveling, and dipped my toes into competitive mahjong. So many of my friends celebrated huge milestones in their lives: weddings, babies, homeownership… it truly makes me so happy to see.

The pandemic seems to be in our rearview mirror at this point, and life felt a little more normal. And speaking as a journalist, I know that for every bad story, there's a heartwarming one. Behind every tragedy, heroes who step up to do the right thing and lend a hand.

And I'm sure you had some wins too, right?

I just got back from a long trip home, where I was able to spend plenty of time with friends and family. It was my first actual Christmas home in years! I laughed a lot, ate plenty of good food, shared a cigar with my Dad and was able to hug my mother. And though it was a little painful to spend New Year's without them after such a wonderful trip, I just kept reminding myself... it was a wonderful trip.

My lovely sister and loving mother, both looking much more festive than me haha

It's a Matter of Perspective

There are 365 days in the year. That's a lot of moments. Fun moments, sad moments, happy moments, weird moments... taking it all in stride is the human experience. We keep moving forward, always. So as we look ahead to 2023, let's cherish what's worth remembering, and simply leave the rest where in belongs: behind us.

There’s a hope that comes with every new year, for everyone. And though a lot of my burdens and stresses from 2022 will be entering 2023 with me, I’m still hopeful too. I’ll be accomplishing a lifelong dream of traveling to Japan. I'll be putting out a sequel to Wis' Apothecary. And as my contract at Spectrum News comes to an end, I can’t help but wonder if there’s a new chapter waiting for me ahead.

Perhaps due to my profession, I'm quite the realist. And realism can feel awfully a lot like pessimism. But this is the time of year to be optimistic! I’m hopeful for 2023. I want to try and be happy this year. I want to do everything I can to achieve that happiness, and help those around me achieve happiness too. And of course, I want you to find happiness as well.

Here’s to hoping, for us all. Happy New Year!

What were you thankful for this past year? Anything you're excited for in 2023? Any goals or resolutions? I'd love to hear about them!

Until next time, thanks for reading.

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Jan 04, 2023

My perfect, brilliant, handsome son, you deserve every ounce of happiness possible! I hope 2023 brings us many dreams to fruition, but none more than having you huggably close to me and all your redneck Texan family, whether by birth or by choice!! At a young age, you are already a rich man with endless opportunities ahead of you! Realism is a view that’s easily tarnished if you’re not willing to seek beauty and kindness, so remember to focus on both sides of the coin, not just the one facing up. I love you more than every wave in the ocean and see happiness as an inevitable destination!!

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